The AHCCCS Director shared an important message with the AHCCCS community that highlights the member protections during the transition to the ACC contracts.
AHCCCS Complete Care: The Future of Integrated Healthcare
As of October 01, 2018, AHCCCS Complete Care plans became the integrated health plans for the majority of AHCCCS members. This transition affected approximately 1.5 million members. Through this major system initiative, AHCCCS has streamlined the service delivery system for members who had previously needed to coordinate physical and behavioral health benefits through two separate health plans, while also simplifying the payment streams for the services received by members. This transition also included the flexibility for individuals designated to Children’s Rehabilitative Services to choose their ACC plan.
Here’s what members need to know
Who Does AHCCCS Complete Care Affect?
- Most adults on AHCCCS *
- Most children on AHCCCS *
*With a few exceptions for members who are also eligible for CRS services, AHCCCS Complete Care will not affect: Arizona Long Term Care System (ALTCS) members, members determined to have a Serious Mental Illness, or children in foster care enrolled in the Comprehensive Medical and Dental Program (CMDP).
What’s Changing?
- Members will be able to access physical and behavioral healthcare services through a single ACC health plan.
- The health plan choices may change.
What’s Not Changing?
- Members will still have a choice of health plans in their geographic service area.
- Members will have access to the same array of covered services.
- Members will still have access to a network of providers.
- Regional Behavioral Health Authorities (RBHAs) will continue to provide specific crisis services.
- RBHAs will continue to serve members determined to have a Serious Mental Illness, children in foster care, and members served by Department of Economic Services/DDD.
- American Indian members will have the choice of enrolling in an ACC managed care plan or the American Indian Health Program (AIHP) and a Tribal RBHA when available. American Indian members will have the same access to Indian Health Services providers, Tribal 638 providers, and Urban Indian Health providers.
- Arizona Long Term Care System (ALTCS) plans will remain the same.
Learn More
For Providers View all FAQs Community Meetings
Members With CRS Conditions American Indian Members
What ACC Health Plans are available?

Beginning October 1, ACC plans will be available in the North, Central and South geographical service areas:
North GSA (Apache, Coconino, Mohave, Navajo and Yavapai Counties): | Care 1st and Health Choice Arizona |
Central GSA (Maricopa, Gila and Pinal Counties): | Banner University Family Care, Care 1st, Health Choice Arizona, Arizona Complete Health, Magellan Complete Care, Mercy Care, UnitedHealthcare Community Plan |
South GSA (Cochise, Graham, Greenlee, La Paz, Pima, Santa Cruz and Yuma Counties): | Banner University Family Care, Arizona Complete Health, UnitedHealthcare Community Plan (Pima County only) |
Note: Zip codes 85542, 85192, 85550 (mostly in the San Carlos Tribal area) are included in the South GSA.
ACC Health Plans | Website | Phone # |
Care1st Health Plan | | 1-866-560-4042 |
Health Choice Arizona | | 1-800-322-8670 |
Molina Healthcare | | 1-800-424-5891 |
Mercy Care | | 1-800-624-3879 |
Banner-University Family Care | | 1-800-582-8686 |
UnitedHealthcare Community Plan | | 1-800-348-4058 |
Arizona Complete Health-Complete Care Plan | | 1-888-788-4408 |
What Happens Next?
March 5, 2018
Seven ACC health plan contracts awarded. See news announcement.
Spring 2018
AHCCCS holds public forums to explain ACC changes and choices (schedule announced in March)
June 2018
AHCCCS sends letters to members with assigned health plan information and choices
July 2018
AHCCCS members make health plan choices by July 31.
October 1, 2018
Members begin service with integrated ACC health plans
More information about contractor bidding is available in the YH19-0001 AHCCCS Complete Care Bidders’ Library