AHCCCS News & Updates 
June 21, 2022

Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System Announces Partnership with PAXIS Institute

The Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS) and Tucson-based PAXIS Institute are pleased to announce a four-year partnership to expand the use of PAX Tools in the state of Arizona.

PAX Tools, a collection of trauma-informed, evidence-based strategies that, when implemented by caring adults during typical interactions with children, improve cooperation and self-regulation. PAX Tools provides a unified approach to behavior by allowing young people to experience nurturing environments supported by caring adults, in community settings and at home.

Beginning in June, AHCCCS will provide PAX Tools materials and training to community-based professionals across the state. These resources are available through funding from a Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services (SAMHSA) Substance Abuse Block Grant through September 2022 and through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) from October 2022 through September 2025.

“It is critical that states do all they can to offer prevention resources that serve our students’ social and emotional health needs. Quite simply, evidence-based prevention techniques like PAX Tools will help future generations prevent mental health and substance use conditions,” said Dr. Sara Salek, AHCCCS chief medical officer. “That’s why we are reinvesting in this program and extending its reach to more schools, teachers, and students in Arizona.”

This initiative builds upon previous investments by the state of Arizona which have brought PAX programming to communities across the state. In 2020 and 2021, AHCCCS and the Governor’s Office of Youth, Faith, and Family (GOYFF) trained over 3,800 teachers and community leaders to implement PAX in their professional work with children and families. This year, the Arizona Department of Education began a two-year initiative to continue the expansion of the evidence-based PAX Good Behavior Game® in schools across Arizona.

PAXIS Institute President and Senior Scientist, Dr. Dennis Embry said, “We want to ensure all youth-serving professionals have all the training and practical supports necessary to create a better future for our children.”

Individuals interested in attending training can register at www.paxarizona.org or email questions to paxarizona@paxis.org. For more information about PAX visit www.paxis.org.

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