C How to Calculate the Special Income Disregard for DAC




Revised 06/14/2018



The Title II Social Security payment from a parent is not counted when calculating financial eligibility for a Disabled Adult Child (DAC).

NOTE          The DAC disregard is only given for the 100% FBR net income test.  It is not allowed when determining eligibility using the 100% FPL income standard.





Disabled Adult Children (DAC)

Disabled Adult Children (DAC) are adults who were determined disabled before age 22 and were receiving SSI-Cash payments, but their SSI-Cash stopped when they became entitled to or had an increase in Title II Social Security benefits as the dependent of a parent.



One or more of the following may be used for proof of Social Security benefits, disability onset date, and the date and reason the SSI-Cash payment stopped:

·         Social Security records and data matches;

·         Award letters;

·         AHCCCS records showing SSI-Cash eligibility;

·         Social Security income currently received.


Legal Authorities

This requirement applies to the following programs:


Legal Authorities


42 USC 1383c(c)

AAC R9-22-1505(A)(3)

AAC R9-22-1505(B)(2)(a)