U Educational Assistance




Revised 12/30/2019


How Educational Assistance is treated depends on the following:

If the payment is...

And the customer is eligible for...

Then the treatment is...

Financial assistance, including work study, received under Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965

Any program


Educational Assistance, including work study, received under BIA student assistance programs.

Any program


Empowerment Scholarship Agreement received from the AZ Department of Education

Any program


For any other type of educational award or gift

Any program

Excluded when used for educational expenses.

Counted as unearned income when used for living expenses.

Veteran’s Administration (VA) Educational Benefits

·         ALTCS,

·         SSI-MAO,

·         MSP,

Excluded if paid under a program for vocational rehabilitation.

If not part of vocational rehabilitation, counted after deducting educational expenses.

·         Adult,

·         Caretaker Relative,

·         Pregnant Woma,n

·         Child, or

·         KidsCare


State funded student loans and other loans

Any program


Work study that is not paid under Title IV or a BIA program.

Any program

Counted as earned income.





Educational expenses

Includes tuition, books, lab fees and other required expenses to enroll in a course.



Income is first obtained through the Federal and State Data Services Hubs.  If needed, other proof includes:

·         Request for Verification of Student Information (DE-209) form;

·         Award letter;

·         Empowerment Scholarship Agreement

·         Loan documentation;

·         Written statement from the school; or

·         Collateral contact with the school.


Types of proof for education gifts include, but are not limited to:

·         Written statement from the person or entity providing the educational gift; and

·         Collateral contact with the person or entity providing the educational gift.


Expenses must be verified to deduct the expense from the income.  Proof of expenses is only needed if the educational income is countable.  Types of proof include, but are not limited to:

·         Request for Verification of Student Information (DE-209) form;

·         Receipts;

·         Written statement from the school; or

·         Collateral contact with the school.


Legal Authority

This requirement applies to the following programs:


Legal Authorities



Medicare Savings Program

Freedom to Work

42 USC 1382a(b)(7)

20 CFR 416.1124(c)(3)

20 CFR, Appendix to Subpart K of Part 416, Section III

AAC R9-22-1909


Caretaker Relative

Pregnant Woman



42 CFR 435.603(e)

42 CFR 457.10, 300, 301 and 315